Every member of the organization team has a special place. It could be a place in between, a space that inspires them or holds a special memory. These places are tied to stories. Here you can meet our team and find out about their favorite place. – And what is yours?
Festival Director
Saada: I like places where different funny objects can be found. The objects tell something about the place they are inhabiting, and the place tells something about the objects. As a visual anthropologist, I like to explore the spaces between objects, places and humans. These are the spaces where I can discover and at the same time create.
Finances and catering
Upper left: Maria: I’m still looking for my place, in the meantime I like to spend time in Giovanni’s allotment garden.
Upper right: Hannah: I’m Hannah, 25, and my favourite place to be is in my bedroom. This is where I feel my safest, no matter how many times I’ve moved or how the room has changed. What I like about it is that it’s mine, and it will always welcome my retreat.
Bottom: Fabiana: I feel the most inspired, comforted, calm and held when I’m around trees. Whenever there’s a tree nearby that I can sit under, stand beside or marvel at from a distance, it grounds me. My favorite spaces are distinguished by their company.
Upper right: Miri:I don’t have a favourite place, I enjoy the process of moving between spaces, maybe a reason why I enjoy traveling for weeks, continuously exploring and resting in new landscapes.
Middle: Selma: My favourite place is the balcony of our holiday home in Prättigau. From there you can look out over the mountains, surrounded by cow meadows – and in summer one can play cherry stone spitting up there.
Bottom: Amir I deeply enjoy small alleyways in a city. They are spaces filled with history and purpose, leading you to important and sometimes unanticipated places. A small staircase to a viewing platform, a pathway to an old church or just a shortcut through the streets leading to the marketplace. They are signs of a city made for people and their distinctive needs; unexpected, unique and a bit adventurous.
Upper left: Milena: You’ll find me in the woods. Wherever those may be. The woods of my childhood; filled with beautiful memories of laughter and tears. The woods that nurture and take care of me; gifting me the space to unfold my imagination and teach me about their wonders of life; their wonders of being and becoming.
Upper right: Meret: One of my favourite kind of spaces are kitchens, especially those of loved ones, of friends. Kitchens are spaces in which many beautiful moments can take place: cooking there together for the first time, drinking tea at the kitchen table, having heartfelt conversations or finding cinnamon in the shelfs as if it was my own place.
Bottom: Cora There is no single place that I would call my favourite. Rather, I have a collection of places that I have discovered on my travels, that have moved something in me and that live on in my memory – even if they may have changed in the meantime. I love discovering new places and being on the road. I would consider Gian’s van to be one of my favourite places, as it can take me to all these places and carries a sense of comfort with it.
On top: Leana: My favorite place is the place where sunlight dances on the surface of water. Those in-between ripples, behind the forest, down by the little creek or out on the wide-open seas.
Bottom: Frederik: I don’t have ‘a favorite place’. I associate places with people and experiences. On my travels, I have realized that it depends more on sensations and feelings and less on the beauty of the place itself. A fortnight ago, I ate a Dürüm with my friend on the castle hill in Rapperswil on Lake Zurich. The picture shows a place where we enjoyed the sunshine, sunset and a Döner mit allem scharf.
Public relations
Upper left: Eva: My favorite place is wherever my loved ones are, especially my children. From the moment they entered the earthly space, they became my safe place, and I became theirs. They were also a “space in between”: between mom and dad, between two cultures, two religions, two lifestyles, and two realities. But they not only became a space in between, they are the comprehensive space that unites both worlds.
Upper right: Ella: My favourite place is in the mountains. It’s always a place of contradictions, the immensity but also the small things, the vastness but the familiarity, the dangerousness but the beauty. I feel free in the mountains.
Bottom: Lena: If you ask my friends where I can be found, they will answer: “She’s outside”. When I think about it, my favorite place is a simple one. I have found it among the everyday things: Outside. In the sun.